
Friday, August 19, 2005

Excuses and Reason

There's a fine line between Art and Rubbish..
Heard before?

I thought of this when I was crossing a lonely road yesterday evening..
"There's a fine line between Excuses and Reasons"
Human beings always cross the line unknowingly, I would say..
and that includes me as well..(nobody's perfect)

Excuses: To explain (a fault or an offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood.
Reason: An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or occurrence.
Courtesy of www.dictionary.com (Again?!)

Majority of us gave excuses instead of reason when we made mistakes...
Do You Agree?
Read again..

I rephrased it again if you don't agree..
Majority of us gave excuseS instead of A Reason when we made mistakeS...
Do you Agree again?

Every single one of us made mistakes in our life..
and we find plenty of excuses instead of ONE reason to correct it..
Are We?
and Are you the one?

I am trying to correct this little fault in my character..
and I will =)

I love the explanation of Reason..
Reasons: An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or occurrence.
Fact and Logical.. my 2 fave word in my dictionary..

posted by: Dental Care @ 3:50 AM


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Friday, August 12, 2005


"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
- Albert Einstein

There's no right or wrong in the above quote,
just a phrase that hit you deeply and let you learn something from it..
Its one of my cousin favourite quote.. and he share it with me..

I like the word imagination..
I love imagination.. This 'tool' let me foresee my future..it lets me know how my life will turn out in 20 years time.. Because I simply believe in my imagination.
I imagine myself to be very successful, where I have the ability to go anywhere I want, at any point of time..
I Believe in myself... and my trusty imagination..

"Andy Stop Lying To yourself!!! WAKE UP!!!! "
I heard someone shouting that to me...
but I can't seems to locate that person..
Is that person YOU?

Alright.. If it's you..maybe you will like this ..
I imagine myself to be a middleclass income holder with a fixed salary.. and every month I would wait anxiously for that particular date, where I will be so happy with that FIXED amount.. then I would pay my hp bills.. my car mortgage... etc... then deduct everything away I am left with a decent amount of money that would last me till the rest of the month .. this goes on for years and suddenly the company that I worked in announced downsizing .. and I am affected! for the first 2 months I plucked the grass outside my house to eat .. and by the 3rd month there's no more Grass! no more Food ! and I still can't find a job! How? Eat Tree Bark?.. ok .. so I managed to find a nice and tall tree for the tree bark..and its real tasty with tabasco sauce.. after 2 months of bark eating days , I found a job! Although it doesn't pay me that much .. I still manage to get by decently ..and this goes on until I aged..
Do YOU Prefer This ?

Its all imagination my dear..
How you imagine things.. and how you want it to be..
of course.. just plain imagination will not be good enuff..
You need plannings..and actions..
I have my plans to execute my imagination that will become reality ..
and I will follow it thru ...
and eventually,
I will have the ability to go anywhere I want, at any point of time..

My good friend gave me his own quote 5 months ago..
"Logic brings you from Point A to Point B,
but Imagination Brings you anywhere you want"

I love quotes.. anyone care to add it in my tagboard?

posted by: Dental Care @ 3:15 AM


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Something about my work ..
its been 10 days in that enviroment ..
Initially I really feel like leaving the place because of alot of simple lil' problems.. but "Ri Jiu Shen Qing" .. I begin to like that enviroment ..discovering the good side of it..
My current situation doesn't permits me to stay long yah?
Because of my plans.. this place still have to be erased..
Take another stroll and I will come up with a decision..

posted by: Dental Care @ 2:58 AM


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Friday, August 05, 2005


Tired lah..
Today is just another entry outta a shack mind..
Phew... start work for 3 days liao..
Abit can't get used to it ..
Its been around 3 years since I last step into this oily enviroment...
now abit backache and footache ..
Hai ...age catching up with me liao..


posted by: Dental Care @ 1:50 AM


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Monday, August 01, 2005

Analysis Paralysis

I was having lunch with a close friend 3 days back..
when we strike on the topic...

He's a young and hippy guy..
With a Great mind YET to be explode..
Powerful Potential will unleash when he've found the right key to it ..
Trust me ..
But ....
just one flaw..
His Assumption power is overflowing..
He makes too much assumption that might cause a downfall in certain aspect of things..

We discussed on this issue and he said this is called Analysis Paralysis.
Err.... I've no idea what's that until he explained to me..
"This means when a person assume too much lahhh"

I looked up some information on this topic.. and enhanced his explanation with the help of technology.. Internet..
'Analysis paralysis involves the over-analysis of a specific issue to the point where the issue can no longer be recognized, and the subject of the conversation is lost.'
~extracted from an Online Encyclopedia

In my everyday life, I see plenty of situation surrounded with Analysis Paralysis..
Just yesterday when I was at my sister's house.. We were all hit by this syndrome..
We were suppose to go for dinner with my Dad.. but he's busy.. cannot make it in time..
Well, still gota eat dinner what.... so we go ahead without him..

Sister shouted, "What's For Dinner?"
"Crystal Jade?"
"Geylang Beef HorFan?"
"Parkway Parade?"
"Kopitiam below my sister's block?"

Half and hour past.....

No conclusion...
At this point of time.. I kept reminding my sis to think of Mrs Lam's story.. because I saw abit of flame on her head...But.. not effective leh.. the flame just get bigger...Especially when my Brother in law is still meddling with their new Vid Cam..Hah!

We settled on Burger king..

If the whole of Singapore only serve Macdonald's and Burger king..
Analysis Paralysis would never ever exists in this issue..
Not forgetting the flame on sista's head..And the time wastage..
Either Burger King OR Macdonald's...
Pick one..
Hey! that sounds easier right?

In our Daily life we often face this problem..
Where to eat? <<== KILLER QUESTION
Where to go? <<==2nd KILLER
What to wear?
What model of hp should I buy?
etc... the list goes on...

Keep It Simple Sweetheart..
Sometimes we just gota keep it real simple..
Go with what your heart REALLY want..
IF you decide on option A, just follow it..
Maybe you find this option to be a mistake,
simply pluck up your courage to follow your heart again..
Option A or B..
or the most C ,
no more D , E , F , G .....X, Y, Z...

Its tiring when there's too much option isn't it?

posted by: Dental Care @ 1:55 AM


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