
Sunday, May 24, 2009

What's behind you?

Perhaps I have been moving too fast previously. Lots of things are actually out there for me to understand and appreciate.
I missed it, simply because I have walked too fast previously.

I understand why I needs to slow down and look behind now.
Each time I turned back, I am observing from a third person point of view.
Naturally, things turn out clearer.

posted by: Dental Care @ 12:43 PM


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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Different Announcement

Something different in this company that will NEVER happen to my Kiasi company.

posted by: Dental Care @ 5:19 PM


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Saturday, May 02, 2009

Decision Making

In our lifetime, we make countless decisions.
Decision making might be a breeze for some to carry out, might not be for others.
I am always a very decisive person.
But that is what I thought.

Firstly is the initial factor,
next come the imagination factor that will lead to one scenario after another.
Wild and unimagined thoughts will run around in your brain.

After these tiring process,
will be the outcome.

Making important decision is harder than I thought.
A sad truth is that, this eventually will come.
It eventually will.

A harsh reality knockout on me.
I have just made a very important decision in my life.

posted by: Dental Care @ 3:14 AM


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