A representation in words of the nature and characteristics of a thing
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Your sense of humour can be another man's poison. My good friend tried to poison me with his words today. Lucky for me, I always carry my antidote with me, which is my ignorance plus a dash of patience.
Readers out there, might not be able to understand what rubbish I am blarbbeerring about.. For me, I just want to write it down to remember his silly poison..
I guess in general, people enjoy doing things hoping to portray an image of what others seems appropriate in their mind. A simple funeral event proves it all. IF my father were to pass away, I MIGHT not cry, but it doesn't mean that I am not sad. I am quite against the idea of doing meaningless things just to show people what they want to see. Spare me the torture. Please.
To me, Death is a reality that's a part of life, but unfortunately most of the people lives in denial. When the time comes, you have to move on. Be it your own self lying in the coffin, or your love ones. Drop a tear or 2, and let's move on. Who's the next one that's going to lie in there? A 2 seconds calculation by me, on average, we are given around 40 years to prepare for our death. We know we are going to die one day, and if you may want, start preparing now.
I always told my sister that when the day comes for me to go, just let me go. She may drop a few tears, but I really won't want her to scream and cry loudly, like in the movies or so. Speaking of this, why not I arrange my funeral?
Make my Chinese customary funeral 3 days, 5 days is too much, and very tiring for my family. My guest would be able to wear anything, any colour they want. The usual see through thin white t-shirt is very much excuse. If the Sai Kong says must wear socks only, ignore him. Nike shoes are welcome. Don't give yourself headache as to what type of food to buy for offerings. I am really very easy with food. Macdonald's is fine, and please do upsize it. If you want to play mahjong, play near my coffin because I want to see. The golden rule, shooter punch hor. If you are keen for 4D, forget about looking elsewhere. IF I could, I say IF... just buy my last 4 digits of my i/c number. Let me tell you, there's way too many numbers to be found in a funeral. The license plate of the usual Mercedes, the apartments, the stacks of receipts etc.. it's too troublesome. And if you strike, please kindly contribute 10% of your earnings to my family. Start burning some stuffs to me. I already request for a paper watch box from my sister. Let me tell you sis, it's gonna be a real challenge to find a ah pek to make this. He will definitely goes, Huh? The rest of the items are pretty standard. Mahjong set, Computer and laptops(don't forget the broadband modem!), maybe a set of golf clubs also. I foresee that in the next 5 years I will not die yet, and will pick up that hobby. If you would like, you can also burn me a paper billiard table. Speaking about burning all these stuffs makes me truly excited. Heh.. My dearest sister ask me today, what will happen to your beloved watches when you die? Good question. I would like to mention it here. If I have children, please give them 1 each. Give 2 to Zyon and Rachel. One to keep for their next generation. If I found out they sold them away, don't worry. I am good with giving people nightmares. NEVER EVER SELL MY WATCH WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. The rest of the watch, please give to my closest friend at that time. Derrick will have the honor to pick first. Don't be so blur as to burn it for me. They may be converted into papers by the time I receive them. I am just thinking of the reversal process.
What I really hope for my family when I am gone, is for them to be happy. Continue to live your life as per normal, eat healthily and enjoy your life to the fullest. Take good care of yourself and love one another. Like I mention, you may drop a tear or 2(that's the max), but please move on okay?
Last but not least, If you think that when I am gone, and you believe that I am watching you.. Nonsensical thoughts you have. I am, and will be enjoying my life in another world.