Thursday, March 05, 2009
I speak full blown authentic Singlish.
But sometimes,
When I talk to a Caucasian, I tend to speak like them.
"ya know, sometimes things just gonna stay this way. Ya know..ya know.."
When I talk to someone from Bangladesh,
"Eh no no put your things here, put there. Many many ants biting"
When I talk to my Singaporean friends,
"Wah piang, this one hor.. he hor... lydat lor... "
This is called,
Do you fall under this category?
Just admit it LAH. You are under this category. Ever thought what's wrong with that? Something is very wrong.
But still, you and me, and the majority of the locals behave this way.
Since last year, I told myself to improve in my English, but using Singaporean slang local English to converse with anyone, everyone.
It's obviously not improving.
Dunno why leh...
posted by: Dental Care @ 4:43 AM
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